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Food Donations

Donations Accepted: 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Weekdays
(or by appointment)

Please do not leave items outside our door. We appreciate your generosity, but food safety is our top priority and items not received by staff will likely be discarded.

Individual Donations

The Laramie Soup Kitchen welcomes your food donations. 


We accept fresh, frozen, canned, non-perishable, etc.

There is no need to check stamped dates, we will do all the sorting. 


Unfortunately we are unable to take cooked or repackaged items that were prepared in a
home kitchen (please see Event Donations for items prepared in a commercial kitchen).
This includes homemade desserts and home-canned items.


Donations can be brought to the Soup Kitchen, located in the lower-level of St. Matthew's Episcopal Cathedral on 3rd Street, between Ivinson Ave. and University Ave.
Donation hours are weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Items must be received in person or they will likely be discarded. 


Check out our Wish List

Event Donations

We accept surplus food from events provided they meet a few requirements. â€‹


  • It was prepared in a commercial/licensed kitchen

  • It was NOT on a self-serve buffet line

  • It was prepared and stored in accordance with all health and safety standards


*Food donations must be cooled down (between 32 F and 41 F) before delivering
to the Laramie Soup Kitchen. We CANNOT accept food items that are still hot as our equipment cannot effectively cool large amounts of hot food.


Event donations are only accepted Monday through Friday unless prior arrangement is made. 


Food Drives

Community organized food drives are always welcome!


For large food donations, please give us 24 hours notice, if possible, so we can ensure that staff is available to check in and process the donation.
Phone: 307-460-1605 ext. 2



Like all food donations, drop offs are welcome during normal business hours,
though earlier in the week is preferred. Earlier in the day is also very helpful for staff.


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The Laramie Soup Kitchen is a Hunger Relief Partner of the Food Bank of Wyoming. Click their logo to learn more.

Items to Avoid


While generally all food is accepted, even if it is out of date, please do not donate the following:​


  • Discolored/freezer-burned meat or any item that has been thawed and refrozen

  • Rusty, punctured, or bulging cans

  • Foods that smell stale/unpleasant or could have been exposed to rodents or chemicals

  • Prepared food that was placed on a self-service buffet

  • Anything prepared in a home kitchen or home canned items


Note: Surplus food prepared for an event, then donated must be kept at proper temperatures at all times and donated cold (below 40 F).


​Click the FDA logo for a list of food recalls & safety alerts.

​Not sure about an item?
Please Call Us Between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday!

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